Lucija Peterlin Mašič- keynote speaker

Lucija Peterlin Mašič
Fakulteta za farmacijo, Univerza v Ljubljani

Prof. Lucija Peterlin Mašič is Full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Associate Professor of Toxicological Chemistry and Vice Dean of Education at the Faculty of Pharmacy at UL. After completing her doctorate, she pursued interdisciplinary training and research in toxicology alongside medicinal chemistry. She completed postdoctoral training in a pharmaceutical company (AstraZeneca, Safety Assessment Department, Sweden). She is part of the research group at UL FFA: Chemical strategies and solutions for bacterial and cancer cell resistance. We are developing new chemical solutions to combat bacterial resistance with multitargeting compounds and resistant cancer cells with new targeted cancer therapies. Her research interests in the field of medicinal chemistry are: structure- and ligand-based drug design; specific targeting of mitochondrial targets in cancer; new antibacterial compounds with limited resistance and in the field of toxicology: mechanistic toxicology, toxicity in early drug discovery, in vitro metabolism of compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals.