Matjaž Finšgar- keynote speaker

Matjaž Finšgar
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Associate Professor Dr. Matjaž Finšgar specializes in analytical chemistry with a focus on the development of electroanalytical methods, trace analysis of both organic and inorganic species, as well as the development of electrochemical sensors. Additionally, he is actively engaged in surface analysis using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tandem secondary ion mass spectrometry.

Dr. Finšgar commenced his career as a young researcher at the Jožef Stefan Institute from 2006 to 2010, and successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Ljubljana in 2010. Currently, he holds the position as a university professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, where he is the head of Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry and Industrial Analysis. Moreover, he has held the position of Vice Dean for Development since 2019. Dr. Finšgar has extensive experience in managing and executing various national as well as international industrial and research projects. He mentored students who received numerous awards for their final projects.